On Monday 14th November 2016 we welcome Lesley Barrie to our team as our ADVANCED NURSE PRACTIITONER. This is a brand new positin and we are very excited about this. Lesley has worked for many years as an advanced nurse practitioner in a hospital setting and she is looking forward to moving into general practoice now. She is able to see most acute illnesses and will see patients in a similar way to the GP's in the practice, so don't be surprised if you are offered an appointment with her, rather than a GP.
Our existing practice nurse (Ruth) continues to work in the practice in her usual role.
Please be patient with us all as she settle into her new role!!
NHS Lanarkshire and your GP Practice have begun a process to have all 'HISTORIC' paper GP pateint records scanned and held with your current electronic GP records. This will improve the efficiency of the storage of 'HISTORIC' patient records which currently take up storage space in yor practice. This shoud also help the practice in its continued delivery of high quality pateint servcies.
The most efficient way to achieve this is to use a third party processor to convert the old records which will take in the region of four weeks. NHS Lanarkshire and your practice manager are managing the process. Approximately six months after the scanning of the records is complete your 'HISTORIC' GP paper record will be securely destroyed.
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to your practice manager.
April 2015